What to Expect During a Root Canal Procedure

There’s a good chance that you’ve heard a horror story or two about root canals. However, you shouldn’t believe everything you hear. After all, when performed by a reputable dentist, you have nothing to fear. To put your mind at ease, it helps to understand the procedure. That way, you’ll know what to expect from start to finish.


What’s a Root Canal?


Your teeth are covered with an enamel layer. In addition, there’s a layer of dentin, as well as a soft core that extends to the root inside the jawbone. That core consists of pulp that’s made up of nerves, connective tissue, and blood vessels.

If one or more of your teeth becomes decayed and it reaches the soft core, several things can happen. That includes inflammation, infection, and even necrotic tooth. When that happens, you would need a root canal to remove the decay.


Additional Reasons for Needing a Root Canal


Besides decay, other things can lead to you needing a root canal procedure done. Here are a few examples:

  • Cracked or Chipped Tooth – Regardless of the cause, this often exposes the nerves under the tooth’s surface. Not only can that cause infection, but if not properly treated, the infection can spread through the bloodstream.

  • Hot and Cold Sensitivity – If you experience pain when eating or drinking anything hot or cold, it’s typically due to an exposed nerve.

  • Swollen Gums – Whenever the gums swell, it indicates that something’s going on below the surface. Depending on the cause and level of severity, a dentist could recommend a root canal.

  • Discolored Teeth – Without proper oral hygiene, certain foods and beverages can stain a tooth’s enamel. However, a discolored tooth could be the result of nerve damage too.

  • Chronic Sensitivity – If you’ve struggled with sensitivity when touching your teeth or gums for an extended period, there’s a good chance of damaged nerves.


What Does a Root Canal Procedure Consist Of?


For this type of dental procedure, a dentist or specialist known as an endodontist starts by numbing the inside of your mouth. The injections of anesthetic are no different from those given to fill a cavity. As a result, you won’t feel anything except some pressure.

From there, the dental expert uses various dental tools to shave down a portion of the tooth to reach the impacted area. After removing the decay, they would disinfect the roots and extract the nerves. When finished, they fill the gap and typically apply a crown.

After the procedure, you might experience slight tenderness, but it doesn’t last more than a day or two. For that, over-the-counter pain medication works amazingly well. You’ll have a capped tooth that looks as though it’s a natural tooth. That includes color and shape. In addition, you can bite down on food without any problem.

As you can see, a root canal procedure isn’t scary at all. To schedule an appointment for a root canal procedure, call Dr. Fei Hwang, D.D.S., at 408-729-7882 or visit our office in Milpitas, California.

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