Who is a Good Candidate for Dentures?

Dentures are prosthetic devices that are designed to replace missing teeth. They are custom-made to fit your mouth and can be taken out and put back into your mouth at your convenience. Over the years, dentures have evolved significantly, offering a more comfortable fit and a more natural look than ever before.



Understanding the Need for Dentures


The need for dentures generally arises when a person has lost some or all of their natural teeth. This can occur due to a variety of reasons such as tooth decay, gum disease, or injury. The loss of teeth can significantly impact a person's ability to eat and speak properly. It can also lead to a sagging facial appearance, making the person look older than they are.


Having dentures can help to rectify these issues. They can restore a person's smile and facial appearance, enhance their ability to eat and speak, and ultimately, improve their overall quality of life. Dentures can also act as a preventive measure, protecting the remaining teeth from excessive wear and tear, and maintaining the structure of the mouth and jaw.


However, while dentures can offer numerous benefits, they are not suitable for everyone. Certain factors determine whether a person is a good candidate for dentures or not.



Factors for a Good Denture Candidate


When evaluating if a person is a good candidate for dentures, a few key factors come into play. The overall health of a person's mouth is a crucial determinant. This includes the state of remaining teeth, the condition of the gums, and the strength of the jawbone.


A person with healthy gums and a strong jawbone is more likely to successfully wear dentures. Additionally, a person's commitment to oral hygiene is also a crucial factor. Regular cleaning of dentures is essential to maintain their appearance and prevent potential infections.


Another important factor is the person's willingness to adapt. Dentures may feel strange or uncomfortable at first. It requires patience and a willingness to adjust to the new sensation.



The Importance of Healthy Bone Structure in Denture Candidates


If the bone structure is weak or has resorbed, it might not provide the necessary support for the dentures. This can lead to loose or ill-fitting dentures, which can cause discomfort and difficulty in performing daily activities like eating and speaking.



The Role of Smooth Gum Ridges in Denture Fitting


Smooth gum ridges play a crucial role in denture fitting. The ridges in your mouth, formed by the underlying bone and covered by your gums, provide the support for your dentures. If these ridges are smooth and well-shaped, they can help in holding the dentures in place and provide a more comfortable fit.


If these ridges are uneven or have shrunk due to bone loss, it can make the denture unstable. This can cause the denture to rub against the gums, leading to discomfort and sores.



How the Shape of the Palate Influences Denture Use


The shape of the palate or the roof of the mouth can also influence the use of dentures. A well-formed, U-shaped palate can provide a better suction effect, helping to keep the upper denture in place.


A high, narrow, or irregularly shaped palate may not offer the same level of suction. This can make the denture less stable and more prone to slipping, especially while eating or speaking.



Living with Dentures: Expectations and Adjustments


Living with dentures requires adjustments and patience. Initially, dentures may feel strange or uncomfortable. It may take some time to get used to the feeling of the dentures in your mouth. You might need to learn new ways to eat, speak, and care for your dentures.


However, with time, most people adjust well to dentures. They find that dentures enhance their quality of life by improving their appearance, the functionality of their mouth, and their self-confidence.


Keep in mind that regular visits to the dentist are necessary for denture wearers. The dentist can ensure that your dentures continue to fit well and can make adjustments as needed.



Making the Decision for Dentures


Deciding if dentures are right for you involves careful consideration of several factors. It requires an understanding of your oral health, your bone structure, the shape of your palate, and your gum ridges. It also demands a commitment to good oral hygiene and a willingness to make necessary adjustments.


Dentures can provide numerous benefits and significantly improve your quality of life. However, they are not suitable for everyone. Consult with your dentist to make an informed decision about whether dentures are right for you.


To determine if you are a good candidate for dentures, visit Fei Hwang, D.D.S., Milpitas Family and Cosmetic Dentist at our office in Milpitas, California. We are committed to providing high-quality dental services and products. Please call 408-729-7882 to schedule an appointment today.

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