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Fei Hwang, D.D.S. Milpitas Family and Cosmetic Dentist Blog

At What Age Can My Child Start Invisalign?

Are you wondering whether your child is old enough for Invisalign? If you want a clear alternative to braces for your child's teeth, Invisalign is a great and practically invisible choice. These clear aligners might be the best teeth-straightening treatment for your child. 

What Is a Partial vs. Complete Denture?

Having missing teeth can cause an individual to experience issues ranging from the inability to chew correctly to confidence issues. Dentures are custom-made removable devices that replace missing teeth. They can help restore oral functions and appearance.

Do I Need a Mouthguard for Teeth Grinding?

Aside from athletes, other people can benefit from using mouthguards. Most of these people have dental issues but wait too long. You must understand when you need to consider using a mouthguard.

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

You need to consider a few things before committing to a tooth replacement. These could be about issues that might interfere with the restoration of your smile. You need to find an experienced implant dentist to help you rule out several of these issues. This should clear the way forward to the restoration of your smile. Here are some essential factors to consider before deciding to have dental implants.

Top Tips for Excellent Oral Health

Oral health is more than taking care of your teeth, and it is also not just about your gums. Excellent oral health translates to better physical and mental health. Thus, it is crucial to take proper steps to achieve excellent oral health. The good news is that it is not difficult to do this. However, it takes a lot of discipline.

Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

Beautiful smiles are appealing and are able to change the way people feel about themselves. Lack of confidence in how your teeth look can interfere in many aspects of your life. Thankfully, you can get professional teeth whitening to achieve perfect pearly whites.

Am I a Candidate for Invisalign?

Invisalign is an innovative new approach to dental misalignment that uses clear aligners to apply consistent but gentle force to the teeth and jaw in order to change their position. The process is very simple. Firstly, your provider will use 3D technology to take impressions of your current smile, and these will be used to determine the pattern of your treatment. This will be broken down into stages, with a clear aligner created to represent each one. 

When Should My Child Start Seeing the Dentist?

You probably already have a fairly good idea of when your next dental appointment should be, but when was the last time you took your child to the dentist? Proper dental care starts from a young age, and this includes visiting the dentist regularly. That’s because only a qualified dentist has the education, training, and tools needed to be able to check your child’s teeth thoroughly, spot any signs of developing dental problems, and provide the treatment that’s needed to retain healthy teeth and preserve long-term oral health.

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